Earlier this month in Bergheim, Germany, a Good Samaritan happened upon a little kitten in distress. She’d been found all alone on a remote country road — seemingly the victim of abandonment.
But there was more to this cat than met her rescuer’s eye.

After taking the kitten home, the Good Samaritan noticed that she was more feisty and less affectionate than your average cat. She also refused to eat.
To make sure that nothing was wrong with her, the kitten was taken in to the Bergheim Animal Shelter for an examination.
Though undeniably adorable, the kitten’s personality proved to be feisty indeed:
“Staff [at the shelter] immediately recognized that this was not an ordinary domestic kitten,” a spokesperson for the Retscheider Hof wildlife center told The Dodo. “The specific characteristics and behavior indicated that they were dealing with a wild cat. That prompted the animal shelter staff to contact us immediately.”
The kitten was actually a young European wildcat — a protected species native to the region.
Seeing how similar in appearance these wildcats are to domestic cats, it’s hard to fault the Good Samaritan for the case of mistaken identity:

After the truth was uncovered, the kitten was transferred to the care of the Retscheider Hof, where she’s being raised in the company of another wildcat kitten like her until both are old enough to be released.
“We are currently working hard to give both animals the support and care they need,” the wildlife center spokesperson said. “We do our best to make their stay as comfortable as possible. Every progress they make is followed here with great enthusiasm and hope.”

Some young wild animals can be easily mistaken for young pets, leading to needless “rescues.” Where there may be some uncertainty, staff at Retscheider Hof encourage would-be Good Samaritans to bear in mind potential mistaken identities, noting:
“A case like this one reminds us of how important it is to look closely and proceed with caution.”